Photoshop offers a vast variety of wonderful tools. Having as many as possible in your repertoire always helps. Today we make use of the Minimum filter and a few Layer Blend Modes to effectuate an absolutely pulchritudinous result. Here is the final image - a symphony of light and colourful strokes.
So let's begin. Open up you're file in Photoshop. Here is a peek into the image I used.
Now, we will duplicate and desaturate the image layer. To do this, select the image layer from the layer window (F7) and press Ctrl + J. Then press Ctrl + Shift + U to desaturate. Your image will then look something like this.
Next, we need to invert the colours of the image. Before that, duplicate the desaturated layer by pressing Ctrl + J. Then press Ctrl + I. You will get a negative like this.
Here comes the important part. With the 'negative' layer selected, go to Filter > Other > Minimum. Enter the radius as 1 pixel.
Change the Layer Blend Mode of the layer to Color dodge or press Alt + Shift + D. You will get a soft image like this.
To darken the image, first merge all layers into a new layer by pressing Shift + Alt + Ctrl + E, then change the blend mode of the new layer to Multiply. If necessary, duplicate this layer as many times as you want to get the appropriate darkness level.
To colour the image, move the original image you started with to the top of the stack and change its blend mode to Color. Beautiful, isn't it?
I've followed the same steps on other images to get wonderful results. Try it out yourself.
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