Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Energy Beams and Lines in Photoshop II

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Now, we will make energy beams at his hands. Choose the Pen Tool (P) and create a path near the hand. What we want to do is make a beam that is in line with the direction of movement of the hand.

Now, convert the path to a selection (Ctrl + Enter). Feather the selection (Alt + Ctrl + D) with a radius of 10 px. Create a new layer under the player layer and fill the selection with white using the Paint Bucket tool (G). 

With the selection still active, create a new layer above this white layer and fill it with blue.Set its blend mode to Overlay. Deselect by pressing (Ctrl + D). Now, duplicate (Ctr + J) both the white  and blue layers and set their blend modes to Overlay. You will get something like this. 

Make a similar path and selection for the other hand. 

Now that all our energy beams are in place, we can begin with the energy lines. We will make them at each of the hands and legs. Lets begin with the right hand. First, we make our basic path as shown with the Pen tool (P)

Next, create a new layer above the player layer. Go to the brush tool and choose a brush of radius 5  -7 px. Set you're foreground colour to white. Now select the pen tool and right click on the path. Choose 'Stroke Path' and select Simulate Pressure 

You will get something like this.

To remove the parts that are to be behind the arm, simply erase the unwanted portion using the eraser.

Next, right click this layer in the layers palette (F7) and choose 'Blending Options'. Select Outer Glow. Enter the following parameters. I've chosen a red tinge for the glow.

You will end up with something like this.

Duplicate the layer (Ctrl +J) and slightly offset it. Reduce its opacity to 60 %. The create a new layer. Choose a soft brush of radius 200 px and opacity 70% and paint over the arm.

Change the blend mode to Multiply.

Repeating the same process on th other limbs and the hoop, i got this. Nice isn't it?

Remember the motion blur layer we had hidden earlier? Well make it visible it now. And there you have it!

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